The Jesus Journey

The Jesus Journey is an interactive art installation depicting Jesus' last days on earth. 

When God created this beautiful world, he thought the very best part was the people. He loved us and made us to be like him. He wanted us to love him and follow his commands. But, he also knew even before he created the first man that some of his beloved people would choose to do wicked things and would need to be rescued. So God made a great rescue plan. He would send his only son, Jesus to earth to die on a cross instead of us. And then, God made his beloved people anyway! Jesus became the final sacrifice for all the sins of all the people of the whole world! Because of this we can be reconciled

to God and live with him in Heaven forever!

You are invited to follow the story of Jesus' last days on earth, and

experience the unfolding of God's great rescue plan.

    Thursday: The Last Supper

    Listen to the Story . . . 

    Read the Story . . . 


    On the night of “The Last Supper”, Jesus gave a new special significance to the Passover meal. He established a new covenant not only with the Israelites, but with all people. This covenant frees us from sin. We are reminded of his sacrifice for us when we eat the bread and drink the juice during this ritual meal as a church. 

    Read the Scriptures:

    Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-39; John 13:1-17:26 NIV

    Friday: Jesus was crucified

    Listen to the Story . . .

    Read the Story . . .


    Jesus forgave the people who sinned against him and the people who wanted him dead. His death changed the world because he was the final sacrifice needed to reconcile all people to our holy God. Jesus knows all our hearts. He wants us all to ask for forgiveness, then choose to follow him, so we can show what Jesus’ love means to others.

    Read the Scriptures:

    Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:17-27 NIV

    Friday Afternoon: The death of jesus

    Listen to the Story . . .

    Read the Story . . .


    Jesus was no ordinary man. And his death was no ordinary death. The strange and extraordinary things that happened surrounding Jesus’ death not only prove that he is the Son of God but also fulfill the prophecies told thousands of years before Jesus came to earth. All of this shows that sending Jesus to take the punishment for our sins was God’s rescue plan from the very beginning of creation.

    Read the Scriptures:

    Matthew 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; Luke 23:44-49; John 19:28-37 NIV

    Friday Evening and Sunday Morning: The Empty Tomb

    Listen to the Story . . .

    Read the Story . . .



    El ha resucitado


    Ele está ressuscitado


    Er ist auferstanden


    E’ Risorto


    I’ll est ressuscite’






    Jesus conquered death. He is risen! Only through Jesus Christ our Lord can we be truly alive! In him we live.


    Read the Scriptures:

    Matthew 28:1-10; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-9 NIV

    40 Days Later: Jesus' Ascension into Heaven

    Listen to the Story . . .

    Read the Story . . .


    The power of Jesus is amazing! Death no longer has power over us. Through our baptism, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit, and we may be with God in heaven through Jesus. We should live ready for Jesus to return, because we know he is coming back!


    Read the Scriptures:

    Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:6-11 NIV